Demographic trends, religion and Christian faith in Europe

In our last article, Professor Evert van de Poll looked at the demographic decline in Europe, aggravated by the practice of abortion, and how the population only remains stable due to immigration. In this article Evert will continue reflecting on the demographic changes in our continent and relate them to religion and the Christian faith. His conclusions are very interesting and there is much to pray for! We wish to clarify from our last article that we are not at all against immigration and migrants. They often bring new vitality to our societies. The Bible is clear that foreigners must be treated fairly. “When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not ill-treat them.” Leviticus 19:33 Paul wrote that “all are one in Christ Jesus” Galatians 3:28 However, we are very against the killing of unborn children through abortion. Everyone at Canopy of Prayer wishes you a blessed and fruitful Summer and see you in September!

Check out our Previous Letters

The Council of Europe (CoE)

In this issue we look at one of the overlooked institutions in Europe and why it is important to be praying for those who are called to be our representatives there in this place of authority.

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Assisted Dying in the UK (England & Wales)

A bill to legalise assisted dying for terminally ill adults in England and Wales has been formally introduced in the British Parliament. Members of Parliament (MPs) will have a first debate on the bill, introduced by the Labour MP Kim Leadbeater, on November 29 2024....

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First-Hand Experience from War-Torn Ukraine

Ukraine might not be the main item of news at the moment but the war goes on. What is it like inside this country? Here is an eye witness account from our brother Csaba who has entered Ukraine eight times to bring aid and encouragement.

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Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech is important to Christians so that we can proclaim God’s truth. Read about Päivi Räsänen’s ongoing battle in Finland to protect the right to freedom of speech.

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24/7 Prayer

As the 24-7 Prayer movement prepares to celebrate its 25th birthday at a conference in Rotterdam, one of the founder leaders reflects on the journey and current trends across Europe. Read on to find out more about this movement and also the exciting signs of God...

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