A Call to Unite in Prayer
Join the Canopy of Prayer Over Europe
God has encouraged us prophetically to call for more prayer for Europe – because of the crisis point we have come to.
So the Canopy of Prayer over Europe is a fortnightly prayer letter encouraging and inspiring you to pray for Europe.
Topics range widely, such as:
- new medical and ethical questions
- what is going on politically in Europe
- praying for Israel and the Jewish people
- family and society issues
- the church and revival!
The commitment is very simple:
- If Europe is on your heart,
- and if you are willing to pray regularly for Europe every week for 15 minutes, guided by our prayer letter, joining with many others praying in the same week,
then please register and become part of our prayer movement.
Read our most recent Canopy letters…
CARE (Christian Action Research and Education)
in this edition of Canopy we look at the history and work of Christian Action Research and Education (CARE) in the UK. Do you have anything similar in your country?
The European Union from Conception to Today
What do you know about the foundations of the EU and what future does it have?
Roots and Fruits of the European Union
Let’s start this new year by looking at the Roots and Fruits of Europe. Also there are some new developments for Canopy to read about.

Why "Canopy"?
One meaning of “Canopy” is a gold interwoven piece of silk, a “baldachin”, used as a roof over a royal throne for the glory of the King. Then also, Jewish couples are married under a canopy, a “chuppa”. What an image of the Bride of Christ in Europe meeting her Beloved Lord and King under this canopy of prayer!
Have a look at our archive of prayer letters.
And sign up and join us in praying for Europe!